There are a lot of parallels between preaching and performing. We all know instinctively who we listen to with great interest and those who will bore us to death within seconds. I have news for you. . . . it has nothing to do with what you do or say but has everything to do with how you do and communicate. In other words it's your personality that makes the difference.
The biggest killer is that people try to imitate their favourite preacher or magicians and it simply falls flat. God made you you! And that is worth celebrating. You are unique, there is no one else like you and when you stand up and communicate with a crowd people are gonna' connect with you as a person first and foremost. Your magic might be world class but if you are trying to be a cheap copy (or even expensive copy) of someone else then quite simply you are not being you and people will know. I have seen some technically brilliant people both in the magic world and in the pulpit who have all the right moves and the right spiel but they fall flat. Why? Because they don't sound authentic. They are not being true to themselves and believe me we can tell.
One of the most important lessons I ever learned in preaching and in ministry is that God speaks through our personality. The quote I remember is truth through personality. Of course your doctrine and message matters but that easily be squandered by being fake. If you are a serious, straight kind of person - then be serious and straight in your public communication (look at Obama - he is who he is).
If you are funny and quirky - be funny and quirky. It simply does not work for a serious guy(or gal) to be funny when they are not. It's not how God uses us.
In short you need to know yourself and find your voice (as Geoffrey Durham puts it).
Happy preaching and magicing!!