Thursday, June 25, 2009

Roman Catholics get into Gospel Magic

I guess you can't keep a good idea to yourself. The latest Gospel Magic book hot off the press is for priests and ministers in the Roman Catholic church. Designed to help young people learn the catechism, there are eighty visual lessons using Gospel magic tricks.

Rather cheekily it claims to be the first Gospel Magic book in print. This is blatantly not true. The works of Duane Laflin, David Ginn, Henry Smith, Keith Wills and one Andrew Thompson all preceded this work. What I am willing to concede is that this is probably a first for the Roman Catholic Church. I have ordered a copy and will write a review when I complete reading it.
In the meantime keep sharing and keep entertaining. I send greetings to the Magician's Apprentice who is currently visiting Cambodia. Hope the kids there get the message and the magic!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Theology and the Gospel Magician

Theology matters. Good Biblical teaching should be at the core of every Gospel magic performance and this can be easily overlooked by the novelty of medium.

So where do we begin? The Gospel magician should at the very least begin with their own Biblical knowledge. Do you read scripture regularly for yourself? To help you do this there are literally thousands of Bible Reading aids out there ranging from 'Read through the Bible in one year Bible Editions', through to devotional guides such as 'Every Day with Jesus'. Then there are those things specific to our own denomination. I am an Anglican so I use the daily lectionary as my starting point for reading scripture regulalrly and I preach from it every week. Whatever we use - the point is to read scripture regulalrly.

Secondly there are thousands of Christian books which offer commentaries on scripture or highlight themes in scripture. Some of my favourite authors include Philip Yancey, John Stott, John Ortberg, William Barclay, and Rowan Williams.

Thirdly, read Christian journals and magazines for Biblical teaching, knowledge and insight into Christian issues which will relate to your Gospel magic. Christianity Today is a fantastic online resource with many articles which engage with theological issues. Others I read include which is the Church of England newspaper, and newfrontiers magazine. Again the point is that there are zillions of resources out there to give us a better informed faith. The Gospel Magician should be growing by reading, reading and reading.

A real challenge would be to do some proper study, either through an online course or through a seminary or Bible school. As Gospel magicians we should do everything to make sure that we are informed and accurates in our presentation of the Christian message.

Finally there is the in house publication of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians which include 'Voila' (FCM Europe) and the 'Christian Conjurer' which include well thought our presentations combining Bible teachings and Gospel Magic illusions.

Go for it and get reading.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Teach about the Trinity -- amazing rope trick

We have just celebrated Trinity Sunday. For all you pastors, priests, ministers and Sunday School teachers out there - the Gospel magician has a definite advantage to teaching about the subject of Trinity in an easy and visual way : )

If you can't beat 'em - join em!


Nice!!! Simple and Visual magic.