Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christian Magician's Society

Fellowship of Christian Magicians

There is a well established worldwide orgainisation called Fellowship of Christian Magicians. They are committed to promoting th Christian message through the use of performing arts. I first heard about this group in the UK when a Church Army evangelist called Captain Tony Maidment first introduced me to the concept of using magic as a tool for sharing the Gospel. They have annual conferences, a magazine and are a genuinely fun group of people to hang out with and learn new things. Past presidents include Henry Smith, Paul Morley and the much missed late Pete McCahon.

You can find more free Christian Resources at their website.
These range from free gospel magic downloads to advice on prop maintenance.The USA is home to the orignal Fellowship of Christian Magicians and they are huge. They have several chapters around the country and hold regional conferences.

One of my favourite magicians to watch is Duanne Laflin who is a true professional. Along with his wife he presents stunning and colurful magic. He has a passion for sharing Christ and his collection of books take pride of place on my shelf.

If you are looking to grown and learn in your hobby of using magic tricks to share your faith. Then this society is a great place to start and continue.Blessings

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Geoffrey Durham and the Art of Preaching

I recently visited the Wolverhampton Circle of Magicians. The guest speaker that evening was Geoffrey Durham. He is a highly successful British magician whose career has spanned several decades in television and theatre. He was a compelling speaker and addressed the issue of how to communicate with an audience. Along the way he illustrated his talk with the multiplying Martini Bottles, an excellent rope routine, the biggest hydrostatic glass trick I have ever seen (he had it custom made by finding a glass blower - now that's a sign of a real professional!)

He also presented and explained his Himber ring routine which is fantastic. The thought and attention to detail was a real lesson in planning and care. All these effects though were to illustrate his Seven keys (or principles) to presenting an effective magic show. His emphasis throughout was that it is the personality of the performer which is paramount not the trick which is performed.
As Geoffrey Durham continued to expound his seven principles it really struck me that his principles would equally be effective in improving the communication of preachers. Someone once said that preaching is communicating the Word of God through personality. While I would not steal his talk point by point (You can get his excellent book Professional Secrets for a more detailed discussion of his ideas), I think it is worth exploring some of his ideas in the context of improving the preaching of sermons. As Geoffrey Durham used magic tricks to highlight his principles so I will use Gospel magic tricks for the same purpose. This will be the subject of my next seven blogs. So watch this space.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Derren Brown and Gospel Magic

One ministry I think Christian magicians have is to be a witness to other magicians.

Unfortunately we often give a bad witness when we do give poor quality performances. However we do move in the same circles as other magicians and this is a fantastic privilege. When I worked with other professional magicians in Dubai I met some amazingly talented people. They came from all over the world and it was an awesome privilege to work alongside alongside with entertainers from India, Argentine, Chile, Pakistan and Iran!

Almost inevitable the subject of religion comes up when we are 'resting' between shows and it has proved a reminder to me that although I am dealing with some of the most cynical people in the world when it comes to believing in miracles - these magicians share the same desire as I do in trying to make sense of the world we live in.

Recently I read Derren Brown's book "Tricks of the Mind". It is an excellent read but troubling for me as Derren ( a famous and successful television magician and mentalist) makes no secret of his sceptism of all things religious. Derren is an incredible performer. His television programmes blow the mind and he is very, very good at what he does. As an entertainer his style is compelling, convincing and sometimes outrageous.

In his book, he describes how he converted from Evangelical Christianity to scientific atheism and goes on to express his pity for those who believe in the Biblical accounts of Jesus. His encounters with various Christians and churches are described and it made me cringe - and sadly I can understand his aversion to some forms of religion.

It's not just Christianity he pans though, at the end of the book he aggressively denounces the whole Spiritist movement and exposes the guillible victims of seances and charlatans who seek to contact the dead.

Derren was clearly influenced by the work of Richard Dawkins and refers to him throughout. Dawkins is an unrelenting Biological Determinist from Oxford University who sees the concept of God as a rather sad means to enable humans to justify their existence and make sense of the world. Derren constantly approves of science as the only measuring stick for truth.

My response to his book as a Christian reader is this:

"Derren I am sorry for the graceless way in which some Christians have treated you and for the experience of manipulation you so clearly described in some church services.

But science as the only measure of truth is a seriously limited way of understanding and living life. The whole premise of science is that it seeks to observes visible data and discover the principles which govern our universe. (If our universe is just a random accident - where did these universal scientific principles come from I wonder?) There are some things which science can never measure. For example; it cannot measure my love for my wife and children. The scientific method cannot prove if yesterday ever happened! God cannot be put in a test tube.

Scientific evidence for me builds a convincing case for the existence of a personal creator God and it is interesting to see more and more the number of sceptic scientists coming to that conclusion. A great book to read Derren would be The Case for a Creator by the journalist Lee Strobel. "

As for Gospel magic - it is simply a visual aid for me to teach those who have grown up in a visual culture the astouding reality that 'Truth' is a person - Jesus Christ.

God Bless you Derren Brown.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Penn And Teller Cups And Balls

Every magician needs to learn at least one routine with the cups and balls. Penn and Teller do a master class in this. Even when they explain the routine it is so effective you still end up being fooled! Not Gospel Magic - but these guys are original and show the level of skill which we should all aspire to in the magic world. Enjoy!

Kids Thought: Where's Jesus

More Terry Owen magic using silks. Simple, visual and memorable.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If you cannot be heard . . .

I was in Doha recently and was asked to do some magical entertainment for a society ball in the evening. It was in a top flight hotel - really posh. A huge banquet hall was used and over 300 guests in all their finery were sat around the room around 30+ tables.

My first problem was that the stage was in the middle of the room surrounded on all sides by the audience. It felt a little bit like being in a boxing ring . . .

I went dizzy turning around to make sure the audience on all sides could see what I was doing at any one time.

Worse though was that the organisers of the event having splashed out huge money on the entertainers stinted by not getting a decent sound system.

It was terrible. Nothing could be heard. The MC squawked helplessly, the guest ambassador's speech was completely ignored and it killed my act stone dead. The sound engineer was either incapable of fixing the system or simply did not care. So for twenty agonising minutes I was exposed to a room full of people who could not understand a word I said. Although the magic was visual and people who were interested could understand the effects, it simply was not enough. There was no connection with the audience on an emotional level.

If you cannot be heard . . . you might as well not say anything.

The light show dancer who followed my act had it even worse. The sound engineer refused to play her music (which she had rehearsed to for over a month) and played music which had no rhythm or beat. She was so upset afterwards she nearly cried. Our entertainment agent was furious.

Ahhhhh! . . . Life in the real world outside church eh! . Come back my beloved congregation . . . all is forgiven!

The only redeeming feature of the night for me was the requirement to do table hopping magic - and with thirty plus tables I had my work cut out for me. It did assuage my guilt that I was earning the fat fee I was getting paid. At least at the table I got to talk with the people, and there was a connection and the magic was appreciated.

The moral of the story - invest in a decent sound system. If you have something worth saying - make sure you are heard.

It especially seem to me that churches stint on the pa systems too and this is a tragedy. We have something worth sharing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Keeping the main thing the main thing!

There is a temptation when you are preaching to be struck by a brilliant visual aid or a story which you know will grip the congregation's attention and then you try to fit a Bible message around it.

Instead of presenting a message from Scripture, the congregation gets a story or an illustration with Scripture bolted on to justify its use. That temptation is especially there when we use exciting visual aids like optical illusions or tricks.

To avoid that temptation we must first prepare our message from the Bible and then look to illustrations that can serve the purpose of illustrating the message. Never choose a trick first and then decide what message will go with it.

If you want see what that looks like then I refer you to The download-able ebook on How to Do Gospel Magic gives you ten Biblical messages which are illustrated with the tricks.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Entertaining the Guides and Brownies

Last week the Guides and Brownies celebrated their 21st anniversary in Kuwait. Part of the promise made by these girls in the presence of their parents and leaders is to be obedient and to serve God.

I was invited to come and do a magic show and touch on the theme of serving God. However I was told that as the girls come from various faith backgrounds or none and that I was in a country were Christians are not allowed to speak in public of their faith, I could only refer to God in the most general terms!

My goal then was to have these girls laughing and having a great time enjoying fun magic. The first testimony to them is that their local chaplain (and most of them knew me as their local priest) loves life and loves children. This to me is being Christ-like. Christ loved life in all of its fullness and calls us to live life to the full too.

I used Needle Thru Balloon, Topsy Turvy Bottles, Silver Sceptre and a DovePan routine baking lots of Toffee sweets!

I used my juggling talk to bring in the God element. (See my post on Juggling for God).

The best bit is talking to the parents afterwards and making links and invitations with and from the church.

Hope yo are enjoying living life in all its fullness.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

How long does it take to be a magician?

Rob Butcher came to Kuwait 18 months ago and started learning magic tricks.

Not only has he learned them but is now performing in various places and is getting more and more experience under his belt with shows ranging from private parties, churches through to society gatherings.

He has just set up his first commercial magic website. Check out
Rob is a committed Christian and sees the potential for using magic tricks to get the Word out.

No messing around, Rob is keen and really gone for it.

Good on you Rob and I hope the gigs will roll in.


Free Gospel magic downloads

There is a really cool site for all magicians and ministers who are wanting free gospel magic downloads. Check out

There is absolutely loads of stuff here.

I recently performed a commerical visa card trick in the church - (no I was not asking the congregation to give money by direct debit - though come to think of it that is not a bad idea!!!) I was tying in my enthusiasm for magic with I Peter 3.13 who tells us to be zealous (ie; fanatic) about doing good works. I asked my congregation what they were fanatic about and went on to talk about the seccret of learning to be a fanatic for Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15 says "But in your hearts, set Christ apart as Lord."

It was an all age service but it was the adults who really memorised the above verse and took part fully in the magic.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Juggling for God

I remember a school assembly where the kids told a story of a wandering clown who wanted to offer something to God. in the end he discovered that his gift of juggling was what gave God pleasure and others too! it was a really cheesy play - but I still remember it.

Juggling is a fun and visual performance art that lends itself to attracting listeners. It requires a lot more practice and skill than your average magic trick though.

I sometimes show people a "Learn to Juggle" book and then skim read it it in front of the congregation and proudly announce that because I have read the instructions f the book I am a qualified juggler!

This statement is often challenged. I am asked to prove that I am a juggler by showing that I can put the instructions into practice. So I go through the instructions again and start with one ball (pausing at the end of some simple one ball tricks as if I have finished thus prompting the audience to demand more evidence!). Finally I am juggling away with three balls. While I am still juggling I quote James 1.4. "Do not be just hearers of the Word only but be doers of the word."

This leads onto a discussion or presentation of what James was talking about.

It's a great lesson and illustration and people remember it.

Have fun

Friday, April 4, 2008

Kids Thought: Drawing Billy

Terry Owen recently contacted me to correct an earlier posting. His devotions are not presented in church as such but tht these are a series of one minute devotions which goes out on television to an audience of millions. Thanks Terry. What a brilliant concept and what an incredible audience. May God open other doors in other tv stations as well.

Just goes to show the appeal of Gospel Magic.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Puppets and the Gospel

Last weekend I did a puppet Gospel magic show!!! This was before an audience of over 100 Indian children who are part of the Church of South India. They were doing a holiday club called Kingdom of the Son. The theme was based on the jungle and wildanimals featured large in the decor and in the singing!

So in keeping to the theme I introduced my Daisy Duck, a card picking mechanical duck sometime marketed as Dippy Duck, Rocky Raccoon and a monkey arm puppet.

After a lot of playing around with a Lexicon pack of cards, I then introduce Daisy Duck by saying she is going to pick a card with the letter on it chosen by a member of the audience. Daisy then pulls out a card which has all the letters of the alphabet on it!!!

After the laughter died down I then got Daisy to read my mind and think of a word. She then spelt out the word SIN. I then introduced my monkey who went onto be very naughty and disobedient in helping me to make a large hanky by magic from three little ones ( I use a changebag with this routine). His efforts result in disaster because he does not follow my instructions. This illustrated the nature of sin. Sin is when we think we know best how to live our lives and ignore the instructions of our maker.

Finally I introduced Rocky Raccoon who demonstrated to us what God did to overcome sin. At the end of my routine with Rocky I have him placed on a table a long way from me and I highlight the gap between us. When Rocky fails to cross the gap by himself by jumping into my arms, I then cross the gap myself to pick up Rocky and give him a big cuddle. I point out that this is what God did for us. He crossed the gap caused by our sin in the person of Jesus with the express purpose of showing us how much he loves us.

I closed the show by making a balloon camel and offering him as a gift to a child explaining that God offers us the gift of forgiveness and friendship through Jesus. All we need to do to recieve it is to say thank you and take it.

The kids were great fun and there was a real buzz in the church. I just loved entertaining and teaching these kids.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Download magic videos

Savvy businessman and performer, Steve Fearson has posted his own favourite collection of You Tube videos. While his stuff is not Gospel Magic as such, Steve is a man of faith who really believes in doing things well. He is a fast learner and a good teacher. (I know 'cos I use some of his stuff).

So why not take up his invitation to Click this with all your might:

Hope you enjoy

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

Last night at our Easter celebration I decided to introduce our congregation to the Square Circle.

I introduced my sermon with the challenge that they had to believe two impossible things before the night was out!

The first thing they had to believe was that it is possible to turn a metal cicle into a metal square. Here I displayed the square circle illusion and on the count of three turned the metal circle into a metal square.

"See" I say "It is possible to turn a metal circle into a metal square!"

Then the second thing I asked them to belive was that dead men can walk again. . .

I went on to look at the theories explaining the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. These theories account for the empty tomb by insisting the body of Jesus was taken by grave robbers, or Romans, or the Jewish authorities . . . or the disciples themselves.

Then we looked at the Swoon theory beloved by those who live in the Islamic world.

This led to a final possible explanation for the empty tomb. That God raised Jesus back to life.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Laflin Magic

Christian magicians often get a bad rap for being sloppy and unprofessional in their performances. This often comes about through the use of magic tricks by ministers who focus more on the message rather than presenting a professional polished trick. Sadly the poor execution of a trick can undermine a message.

The scripture says "whatever we do - do as though it was for the LORD with all our hearts".

One dynamic couple who certainly live up to this piece of Biblical advice is Duane Laflin and his wife. I saw their act in the UK a few years ago and they were soooo good. I still remember not just the excellent magic but their inspiring messages too.

Check them out at


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Card Magic With A Message

It is actually quite unusual to find card tricks with a Gospel message. This is one which I think is quite well done. What do you think?

Kids Thought: Laser Box

Pastor Owens does a series of short but effective Gospel magic rountines in his church. I think they are well done and can imagine that they would be received well by members of his church.

Some people thoug do complain that this style of teaching is too entertainment orientated. I think anyone who communciates the Gospel in a way which grabs people's attention is a winner. (See my freedownload book at for more on this subject)


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Making People Laugh

If you want to make people laugh till they fall over then with out doubt you will need The Vanishing Bandana Trick. It is easy and practically self working. The humour lies in you (the performer) slavishly following the instructions played on a cassete tape.

I performed this at a Welsh St David's party in Kuwait on Saturday March 1st and it had a great reception. Although I have never used this as a Gospel illustration, I think to get a group of people (many who do not go to church) realise that their local vicar can make them laugh sick is just as powerful as being impeccable in your manners and Christian humanitarian concerns.

I know some Christians are uncomfortable with their minister being a bit of a comedian, but I am pretty sure that Our LORD was quite capable of some serious humour too. I still chuckle over his ""Take the log out of your own eye before removing the speck from your brother's eye!" How funny is that!

Unfortunately the Yellow Bandana trick seems quite hard to get hold of. I bought mine from Penguin Magic but they seem to be perpetually sold out (always a good sign of a winning routine!) Good luck finding one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here's one I wrote earlier!

This is where the spark for the ebook came from. In 2001 Grove books publishers (an Anglican Theology publishing house) invited me to submit a proposal for a Gospel Magic book. this has now been expanded in ebook form. Check out How To Do Gospel Magic at You can also order the orginal copy at Grove books.


John Louis performs an intense gospel illusion.

One useful skill is to work with modelling balloons. There are so many ways which you can use them as simple visual aids for the Gospel. I use modelling balloons as gifts to give away freely, for making animals and using them as part of a story and even a complete retelling of Jonah and the Whale. I think I better get these ideas together in another ebook. This youtube video shows a fun and wacky stunt with a balloon. It's not magic but it sure is memorable. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

another Gospel magic Blog


I've just discovered another blog devoted to Gospel magic. Check out

His latest posting is quite moving and is dedicated to a young Christian minister who was also using his gifts as a magician for the LORD.

Blessings to you Tom

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Chinese New Year

Well, this is a first for me! I was invited to share the Christian message for group of Chinese at the New Year party very recently. They are celebrating the new lunar year of the Rat.

Clearly that was an invitation to use my rat trap - (mentioned in the last post) as a challenge to the chinese to trust God with the their New Year and my Rocky Raccon puppet made it's first ever appearance as Rocky the Rat!!

(A good magic show should always seek to contextualise to the occasion!)

The Chinese Linking Rings also perhaps inevitably made their appearance. I explained to the Chinese that their nation have invented one of the world's oldest illusions and went on to demonstrate the Rings. Illusions is a familiar metaphor in Chinese philosophy and some of the more Eastern forms of spirituality urges their believers to see all life as an illusion.

I went on to challenge that philosophy by pointing to a God who created our world as reality and who intends us to enjoy his created order in all of its fullness. I then shared my personal testimony with a handcuff escape and talked of how God helped me to be set free from my sin and freed me to be myself.

The this is where Rocky the Rat appears and goes through his routine of eating, drinking and sleeping. He is just a puppet though and is empty on the inside. Surely there is more to life than eating, drinking and sleeping. (The Chinese are an incredibly hardworking people and eating, drinking and sleeping really does describe their lives) . I introduced them to the Augustnian concept of a God shaped hole in each person and how we ask God to come and fill it with the presence of His Holy Spirit.

The Rat Trap illusion goes onto challenge the listeners that this requires a great deal of trust. We need to trust God in His Word and to respond to the message and work of Jesus Christ. As my volunteer trusted me by putting his face in a powerful springloaded trap, the same kind of trust is needed to step out in faith and follow Christ.

It was a fun evening. Lots of laughter and I felt the Spirit of God touch and move people's hearts through the messgae of the magic - or is that the magic of the message?

Happy New Year!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rat Trap Illusion

I have been travelling this last week. Went to the beautiful island of Cyprus. One night I did a comedy magic session for about a hundred conference delegates. The audience were brilliant and very responsive. The highlight of the evening was persuading a VIP to place his nose in a vicious rat trap in order to set off the powerful blade.

If you have not seen this effective but simple stunt it looks extremely dangerous. Most magicians use specialist props for their dangerous illusions ranging from guillotines, to powersaws going through thin boxes. The problem with this is that though they look great, the audience knows that most households do not have a guillotine lying around. They suspect the equipment is gaffed and so the tension in the performance is minimal.

A rat trap though is a familiar item. It is larger version of a mouse trap. When demostrated before an audience the blade is pulled up and the trigger switch is inserted into the bait plate. I demonstrate the force of the blade by seting the trap off with a plastic teaspoon. The teaspoon is shattered into several pieces by the smash of the powerful spring loaded blade. the audience gasps and it is genuinely scary.

It's when a volunteer is bought out and you set the trap up again that the danger really kicks in. My guest in Cyprus was quite certain that there was no way I was going to damage a VIP, but the fear in his eyes was priceless. He watched all my moves carefully and could not see how he was going to avoid the trap going off in his face. The audience loved it and the tension and the comedy maxed out leading to a perfect climate to the show.

Want to know what happens with the rat trap? Check out the e-book How to do Gospel Magic for instructions at


Monday, January 21, 2008

Kids Thought: Trading Places

This is a sweet and short presentation using the Peanut Butter and Jelly Illusion. I dedicate this clip to Rob Butcher who I know is looking for this. Hey Rob this is what you can do with it when you find one.



David Ginn Magic #15: Table Cloth Stunt

I just love this stunt for sheer entertainment value and having a live rabbit on the table is just so cool. For simple, entertaining and fun magic for young people. David Ginn is your man!


Saturday, January 19, 2008

free downloads

Steve Fearson is a name to conjure with. He writes in a down to earth and fun way. Although his stuff is not specifically Gospel orientated, he is a Christian and is incredibly creative. His magical inventions have been and are being used by some of the top names in the entertainment business. He has been quite influential to me in that he inspired me to write my own stuff and go online. Thanks Steve!

On his commercial website he says that for every order of his products $1 will go to charity. For his free download books which are all excellent check out

What a great guy!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gospel Magic and Harry Potter

Christianity Today is one of America's most widely read Christian journals. Here is a clip from a review of Gove Books publication. Gospel Magic. Using Magic Tricks as Visual Aids written by Andrew Thompson aka revq8.

Let Harry Potter Conjure Up 'Gospel Magic', Says Christian Magician
Andrew Thompson and others agree that some Christians have a false understanding of what Harry Potter is about.
Cedric Pulford posted 12/01/2001 12:00AM
Related articles and links 1 of 2

Hogwarts and Quidditch and Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross Station—all part of the make-believe world of the Harry Potter books—have the enthusiastic support of Christian magician Andrew Thompson, who thinks that such "fantasy magic" opens children's imagination to the wonders of the world.
It is an approach he follows in his own work combining membership of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians and an Anglican parish ministry in Derby, central England. Conjuring tricks, he says, are "an unbeatable way to teach the Gospel" to adults and children alike.
"Conjuring is on the same level as telling a story or showing a movie. There's nothing a Christian could feel tainted by," he says.
In his performances, he makes clear the difference between Gospel miracles and 21st-century conjuring tricks. He refuses to copy some secular magicians who perform such tricks as walking on water or changing water into wine.
Thompson has no time for fellow evangelicals who worry that the Harry Potter books glamorize the occult. The critics are being "silly," he said. "Children aren't daft. They know what is reality and what is fiction."
He has shared some of his magic secrets in Gospel Magic, published by Grove Books, which has also published Philip Plyming's Harry Potter and the Meaning of Life

Magic Trick: Turn $2 into $1 Million - Multiply Money

I just love tricks with money. It happens right under people's noses and if you borrow their money they are committed to seeing your performance out due to the anxiety of making sure they get their money back. Again another great way of learning new illusions.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Great Magic Websites

One of my favourite free magic ezines is This is a UK based news magazines which includes loads of online adverts for magic shops. Some of these do have a small section dealing with Gospel Magic.

A completely different website is this has an excellent forum site and they have two sections wholly devoted to Gospel Magic and Good News. There is a section inviting members of the fellowship of Christian Magicians to chat as well. Check it out and sign up.

Another website where I have bought lots of stuff from over the year as been Although this is not a gospel magic place, they do offer really good teaching videos with tricks which lend themselves to sharing the Gospel. I also think they are one of the more competitively priced shops too. is a Gospel Magic shop ad I have to say they are great value for money. Catering specifically for the evangelist and church worker they know that we do not have big bucks to spend and so price accordingly.

Have fun and as the Christian Fellowship of Magicians say Share the Faith but keep the Secret.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fellowship of Christian Magicians

There is a well established worldwide orgainisation called Fellowship of Christian Magicians. They are committed to promoting th Christian message through the use of performing arts. I first heard about this group in the UK when a Church Army evangelist called Captain Tony Maidment first introduced me to the concept of using magic as a tool for sharing the Gospel. They have annual conferences, a magazine and are a genuinely fun group of people to hang out with and learn new things. Past presidents include Henry Smith, Paul Morley and the much missed late Pete McCahon.

You can find more free Christian Resources at their website.

These range from free gospel magic downloads to advice on prop maintenance.

The USA is home to the orignal Fellowship of Christian Magicians and they are huge. They have several chapters around the country and hold regional conferences. One of my favourite magicians to watch is Duanne Laflin who is a true professional. Along with his wife he presents stunning and colurful magic. He has a passion for sharing Christ and his collection of books take pride of place on my shelf.

If you are looking to grown and learn in your hobby of using magic tricks to share your faith. Then this society is a great place to start and continue.


Friday, January 4, 2008

Magic for Children

One of the best kids performers in the USA is David Ginn. He is also a committed Christian. His books and tricks are excellent and he writes extensively on performing for children. Among his works are items on Gospel Magic.

What is really helpful is that he puts his stuff on ebay. This is a genuine opportunity to get great bargains for your ministry. So check out Ginn Magic. His website address is in the list near this window.

Have fun

Christian Magic Tricks

Here are some more gospel magic tricks from the same guys. This is a brilliant way of learning. They are really keen to share their knowledge for the sake of the Gospel. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

cool Christian magic trick

This guy has gone even further to promote Gospel magic. Check out his videos and his website at

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Having fun

Last week I went to two dinner parties. One was with a group of mainland Chinese expatriates who live and work in Kuwait. The other party was at the home of a high ranking British military officer and his colleagues.

At both parties I performed close up magic. At both parties they knew I was a priest and at both parties their reaction to the magic was the same. They screamed and shouted and could not believe their eyes. The magic was the topic of conversation for the evening and it was brilliant fun.

What did I do. I performed close up magic using paddles. in particular I enjoy using Hot rod and Jumping Gems. For my money these are among the most effective close up magic effects in the market. They are not expensive to buy and after you have mastered the basic move you are in business.

The best thing about these parties is that it opened the door for people to relax and get to know me better. The ice was broken and they got past my role as a priest and got to know me as a person. Their defences were down and this led to honest and deeper questions about my faith and beliefs.

They know now that I am a regular guy who likes to have fun, but they also know who I believe and why.

Have fun.

Resources for Christian Workers

Every pastor, priest, youthworker, children's minister speak in churches and Sunday schools and youth clubs every week. The challenge is to find new resources and messages that will impact their listeners. Over the years I have learned that nothing impacts people as visually as Gospel Magic. It is visual, exciting, and fun!! It also allows you to preach and communicate the Gospel message in a way which connects with people both inside and outside the church.

So I am on a mission to share this brilliant way of sharing the Gospel by letting you know about webistes which talk about and promote Gospel Magic.

I am planning on writing some more free downloads for my website so watch this space.

Magic is a rewarding hobby in its own right. So I would encourage you to learn all kinds of tricks from all sorts of sources. In my blog you will find references to websites and books which are not related to Gospel Magic. They are helpful and will enable you to become a better performer.

Hope you find it helpful