Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christian Magician's Society

Fellowship of Christian Magicians

There is a well established worldwide orgainisation called Fellowship of Christian Magicians. They are committed to promoting th Christian message through the use of performing arts. I first heard about this group in the UK when a Church Army evangelist called Captain Tony Maidment first introduced me to the concept of using magic as a tool for sharing the Gospel. They have annual conferences, a magazine and are a genuinely fun group of people to hang out with and learn new things. Past presidents include Henry Smith, Paul Morley and the much missed late Pete McCahon.

You can find more free Christian Resources at their website.
These range from free gospel magic downloads to advice on prop maintenance.The USA is home to the orignal Fellowship of Christian Magicians and they are huge. They have several chapters around the country and hold regional conferences.

One of my favourite magicians to watch is Duanne Laflin who is a true professional. Along with his wife he presents stunning and colurful magic. He has a passion for sharing Christ and his collection of books take pride of place on my shelf.

If you are looking to grown and learn in your hobby of using magic tricks to share your faith. Then this society is a great place to start and continue.Blessings

1 comment:

Aston Magic said...

Hi Andrew.

On we also now have an online forum where people can chat with other Christian Magicians.

This is also free to join and use, even if you are not a member of FCMUK