If you want to make people laugh till they fall over then with out doubt you will need The Vanishing Bandana Trick. It is easy and practically self working. The humour lies in you (the performer) slavishly following the instructions played on a cassete tape.
I performed this at a Welsh St David's party in Kuwait on Saturday March 1st and it had a great reception. Although I have never used this as a Gospel illustration, I think to get a group of people (many who do not go to church) realise that their local vicar can make them laugh sick is just as powerful as being impeccable in your manners and Christian humanitarian concerns.
I know some Christians are uncomfortable with their minister being a bit of a comedian, but I am pretty sure that Our LORD was quite capable of some serious humour too. I still chuckle over his ""Take the log out of your own eye before removing the speck from your brother's eye!" How funny is that!
Unfortunately the Yellow Bandana trick seems quite hard to get hold of. I bought mine from Penguin Magic but they seem to be perpetually sold out (always a good sign of a winning routine!) Good luck finding one.
Wow, that sounds like an interesting trick. It's suited more for stage magic, it seems. How good is it? Are the angles okay? Is there any way to view a performance of the trick on video?
By the way, Penguinmagic is my favorite magic supplier. IT helps to know that some of the magicians who work there are Christians. (Take Jay Noblezada, for example. In some of his works, you can see John 3:16 printed onto the backs of the instructional booklets.)
The Vanishing Bandanna seems like a great trick, and a great concept. People are constantly asking me how I learn my magic, so now I can explain it in an act.
One last question: Is the trick very messy?
Hi Joseph
The trick is very messy. You need to take a towel and you need a plastic bag to dispose of ruined banana as soon as possible!
There are no angle problems and it really is very funny. My only complaint about this trick is that it would be better in this digital age to have the instruction on a CD rather than a cassette tape. You shuld take your own cassette player with you as in someplaces they no longer have them.
It's great for stage and the living room. I've performed it inside and outside. Get it!
I just looked it up on Penguinmagic. The description read: "...New/Improved version comes w/CD"
$26. Sounds good so far.
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