This is a sweet and short presentation using the Peanut Butter and Jelly Illusion. I dedicate this clip to Rob Butcher who I know is looking for this. Hey Rob this is what you can do with it when you find one.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Kids Thought: Trading Places
David Ginn Magic #15: Table Cloth Stunt
I just love this stunt for sheer entertainment value and having a live rabbit on the table is just so cool. For simple, entertaining and fun magic for young people. David Ginn is your man!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
free downloads
On his commercial website he says that for every order of his products $1 will go to charity. For his free download books which are all excellent check out
What a great guy!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Gospel Magic and Harry Potter
Let Harry Potter Conjure Up 'Gospel Magic', Says Christian Magician
Andrew Thompson and others agree that some Christians have a false understanding of what Harry Potter is about.
Cedric Pulford posted 12/01/2001 12:00AM
Related articles and links 1 of 2
Hogwarts and Quidditch and Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross Station—all part of the make-believe world of the Harry Potter books—have the enthusiastic support of Christian magician Andrew Thompson, who thinks that such "fantasy magic" opens children's imagination to the wonders of the world.
It is an approach he follows in his own work combining membership of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians and an Anglican parish ministry in Derby, central England. Conjuring tricks, he says, are "an unbeatable way to teach the Gospel" to adults and children alike.
"Conjuring is on the same level as telling a story or showing a movie. There's nothing a Christian could feel tainted by," he says.
In his performances, he makes clear the difference between Gospel miracles and 21st-century conjuring tricks. He refuses to copy some secular magicians who perform such tricks as walking on water or changing water into wine.
Thompson has no time for fellow evangelicals who worry that the Harry Potter books glamorize the occult. The critics are being "silly," he said. "Children aren't daft. They know what is reality and what is fiction."
He has shared some of his magic secrets in Gospel Magic, published by Grove Books, which has also published Philip Plyming's Harry Potter and the Meaning of Life
Magic Trick: Turn $2 into $1 Million - Multiply Money
I just love tricks with money. It happens right under people's noses and if you borrow their money they are committed to seeing your performance out due to the anxiety of making sure they get their money back. Again another great way of learning new illusions.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Great Magic Websites
A completely different website is this has an excellent forum site and they have two sections wholly devoted to Gospel Magic and Good News. There is a section inviting members of the fellowship of Christian Magicians to chat as well. Check it out and sign up.
Another website where I have bought lots of stuff from over the year as been Although this is not a gospel magic place, they do offer really good teaching videos with tricks which lend themselves to sharing the Gospel. I also think they are one of the more competitively priced shops too. is a Gospel Magic shop ad I have to say they are great value for money. Catering specifically for the evangelist and church worker they know that we do not have big bucks to spend and so price accordingly.
Have fun and as the Christian Fellowship of Magicians say Share the Faith but keep the Secret.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Fellowship of Christian Magicians

You can find more free Christian Resources at their website.
These range from free gospel magic downloads to advice on prop maintenance.
The USA is home to the orignal Fellowship of Christian Magicians and they are huge. They have several chapters around the country and hold regional conferences. One of my favourite magicians to watch is Duanne Laflin who is a true professional. Along with his wife he presents stunning and colurful magic. He has a passion for sharing Christ and his collection of books take pride of place on my shelf.
If you are looking to grown and learn in your hobby of using magic tricks to share your faith. Then this society is a great place to start and continue.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Magic for Children

What is really helpful is that he puts his stuff on ebay. This is a genuine opportunity to get great bargains for your ministry. So check out Ginn Magic. His website address is in the list near this window.
Have fun
Christian Magic Tricks
Here are some more gospel magic tricks from the same guys. This is a brilliant way of learning. They are really keen to share their knowledge for the sake of the Gospel. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
cool Christian magic trick
This guy has gone even further to promote Gospel magic. Check out his videos and his website at
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Having fun
At both parties I performed close up magic. At both parties they knew I was a priest and at both parties their reaction to the magic was the same. They screamed and shouted and could not believe their eyes. The magic was the topic of conversation for the evening and it was brilliant fun.
What did I do. I performed close up magic using paddles. in particular I enjoy using Hot rod and Jumping Gems. For my money these are among the most effective close up magic effects in the market. They are not expensive to buy and after you have mastered the basic move you are in business.
The best thing about these parties is that it opened the door for people to relax and get to know me better. The ice was broken and they got past my role as a priest and got to know me as a person. Their defences were down and this led to honest and deeper questions about my faith and beliefs.
They know now that I am a regular guy who likes to have fun, but they also know who I believe and why.
Have fun.
Resources for Christian Workers
So I am on a mission to share this brilliant way of sharing the Gospel by letting you know about webistes which talk about and promote Gospel Magic.
I am planning on writing some more free downloads for my website so watch this space.
Magic is a rewarding hobby in its own right. So I would encourage you to learn all kinds of tricks from all sorts of sources. In my blog you will find references to websites and books which are not related to Gospel Magic. They are helpful and will enable you to become a better performer.
Hope you find it helpful